We have several short training videos to help you get familiar with contacts and lists in HubSpot. This video shows you how to search and filter contacts and how to create lists:
5 min. video | Filtering Contacts and Creating Lists
For questions about editing contacts or importing new lists, contact Scott Schaafsma (scotts@uchicago.edu). For general questions, you can always reach out to Caleb Butler (cabutler@uchicago.edu).
That's all for today! We'll be back next week with more tips.
Weekly Q&A with Caleb and Eric
On Tuesdays from 2:00 - 2:45 pm, join the zoom call to get help with your HubSpot questions.
Adoption Timeline
We expect you to transition from Mailchimp to HubSpot as soon as possible, and Mailchimp will no longer be available after April 1, 2022.
Hubspot Resources
Visit the HubSpot Resources page on the Harris intranet for everything you need to know about HubSpot. You can watch our training videos, find documentation on key topics, and more. For easy reference, you can always get there from harris.uchicago.edu/hubspot